lil 1/2 pint:
vote no on prop 8 unfair & wrong
lil 1/2 pint:
bob marley
lil 1/2 pint:
separation of church and state?
lil 1/2 pint:
vote no on prop 8, equality for all
lil 1/2 pint:
wall of separation of church & state, irs laws must apply, revoke lds 501(c)(3)
lil 1/2 pint:
all loving families deserve equal rights
lil 1/2 pint:
child with father at long beach prop 8 protest
lil 1/2 pint:
8 = hate
lil 1/2 pint:
long beach prop 8 protest on broadway
lil 1/2 pint:
no, you can't have my rights! i'm still using them!
lil 1/2 pint:
keep your hate out of our state, say no to hate! repeal 8
lil 1/2 pint:
wtf 8?
lil 1/2 pint:
stop the h8, hate is not a family value
lil 1/2 pint:
separate is never equal, gay, straight, black, white marriage is a human right!!
lil 1/2 pint:
when do i get to vote on your marriage? love not h8
lil 1/2 pint:
no church should teach hate
lil 1/2 pint:
i have sex with a man but believe everyone can marry
lil 1/2 pint:
christian taking a stand against hate
lil 1/2 pint:
lil 1/2 pint:
don't break up our family
lil 1/2 pint:
love the great equalizer, love is gender blind equality now
lil 1/2 pint:
long beach prop 8 protest
lil 1/2 pint:
linda with a megaphone
lil 1/2 pint:
the bus line was out of service for the protest
lil 1/2 pint:
what's next? separate but equal water fountains?
lil 1/2 pint:
1978-1987 u.s.a.f. veteran 2008 2nd class citizen
lil 1/2 pint:
luv is luv
lil 1/2 pint:
we hold these truths to be self evident that all people are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are: life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness
lil 1/2 pint:
american flag
lil 1/2 pint:
soccer mom against 8