Lil' Higgs: Welcome to our new home!
Lil' Higgs: Our view of down town, the black hills, and the neighbors house
Lil' Higgs: We're gettin' cozy with the treets
Lil' Higgs: Note the fan timer. For realz.
Lil' Higgs: I was scared about sharing a closet but the top storage area is my new best friend
Lil' Higgs: Got to have one of these
Lil' Higgs: The deck spans the back of the house so we get to enjoy it from the bedroom too.
Lil' Higgs: I heart the walk in pantry lots
Lil' Higgs: P's new office space / the library
Lil' Higgs: I've taken to having AM coffee on by the fire
Lil' Higgs: Built in art shelf
Lil' Higgs: Super fun island dish storage
Lil' Higgs: Kitchen. Pardon the mess, it's still a work in progress.
Lil' Higgs: Skylight in the front stairs leading up to our place.
Lil' Higgs: The deck floor still needs to be finished and the tent is currently killing our view. It's going to be sweet when it's done.
Lil' Higgs: Stairs to our place
Lil' Higgs: Peek-a-boo lock
Lil' Higgs: We have storage!!! I could not be happier.
Lil' Higgs: Garage shelves
Lil' Higgs: Our garage is currently home to a pile of our stuff and construction supplies
Lil' Higgs: I'm a little in love with the front door. I have a feeling my sister will be too.
Lil' Higgs: Looking down the front of the house by the pottery studio
Lil' Higgs: Future yard friends
Lil' Higgs: Very organized gardener
Lil' Higgs: Spring is really trying to happen here
Lil' Higgs: Studio door, side yard, and you can also spy our new car out front
Lil' Higgs: Meditation bench
Lil' Higgs: I dumped our compost here this morning
Lil' Higgs: The back yard, tent covered deck, and future home of the green house (the old garage)
Lil' Higgs: Logging port and marina view. Very PNW