Lil' Higgs: Excited aunties 3
Lil' Higgs: Excited aunties 2
Lil' Higgs: Excited aunties 1
Lil' Higgs: Excited to meet him
Lil' Higgs: Family portrait 4
Lil' Higgs: Family portrait 3
Lil' Higgs: Family portrait 2
Lil' Higgs: Family portrait 1
Lil' Higgs: Babies 1st hoodie (if it's chilly)
Lil' Higgs: Babies 1st outfit :: option 2
Lil' Higgs: Babies 1st outfit :: option 1
Lil' Higgs: Babies 1st diaper
Lil' Higgs: Smorgasbord
Lil' Higgs: Treats!
Lil' Higgs: Excited to get gifts
Lil' Higgs: Love is in the air
Lil' Higgs: Trying it on for size
Lil' Higgs: The source of tears
Lil' Higgs: Kate cries and Mason tears up watching
Lil' Higgs: Socks that look like shoes
Lil' Higgs: Amazing outfit from auntie Sarah
Lil' Higgs: Much better at stuffing a bump than me
Lil' Higgs: My bump is oddly square like a pillow. Kate's is perfect.
Lil' Higgs: Mason' walks it off
Lil' Higgs: Bumper bumps
Lil' Higgs: Babies first halloween costume
Lil' Higgs: The bump
Lil' Higgs: The bump
Lil' Higgs: The bump
Lil' Higgs: The bump