Lil' Higgs:
Carnival Masks
Lil' Higgs:
Pei in the church
Lil' Higgs:
At the church
Lil' Higgs:
Switzerland's next top model
Lil' Higgs:
In Grosse Basel
Lil' Higgs:
A ferry crosses the river on a string as to not float away in the strong current
Lil' Higgs:
No pups
Lil' Higgs:
Lil' Higgs:
Alicia has a moment
Lil' Higgs:
Building signage
Lil' Higgs:
Our class walks the streets
Lil' Higgs:
A few mates
Lil' Higgs:
To bring bikes down stairs. So simple and so perfect.
Lil' Higgs:
Michael Renner welcomes us to the city
Lil' Higgs:
And he shows us around
Lil' Higgs:
Lil' Higgs:
Lil' Higgs:
We meet new friends to study with over drinks
Lil' Higgs:
Afternoon class meeting on our roof terrace
Lil' Higgs:
The Friends Bar
Lil' Higgs:
Testing the water. It is cold.
Lil' Higgs:
In my neighborhood
Lil' Higgs:
Lil' Higgs:
Peps floating by in the river
Lil' Higgs:
My street
Lil' Higgs:
Our apartment for the next few weeks
Lil' Higgs:
The building managers basket to the roof terrace
Lil' Higgs:
Lil' Higgs:
View from the roof terrace
Lil' Higgs: