Lil' Higgs: Catching my first ever fish
Lil' Higgs: My fish Henry
Lil' Higgs: Pat caught one too
Lil' Higgs: This was in the fish's belly
Lil' Higgs: A fish's heart
Lil' Higgs: The 'Bonker'
Lil' Higgs: Fishy Scale
Lil' Higgs: Mr.Haddock
Lil' Higgs: Gigantic Haddock
Lil' Higgs: My boyyy
Lil' Higgs: Gerry is the man
Lil' Higgs: Life Ring
Lil' Higgs: Graphic
Lil' Higgs: The Frances Barkley
Lil' Higgs: Sooke Potholes
Lil' Higgs: Play :: Where's Waldo?
Lil' Higgs: Taking it all in
Lil' Higgs: The Mirjahangir Mule
Lil' Higgs: Juan de Fuca Marine Trail
Lil' Higgs: Door 23-1/2
Lil' Higgs: We're cute ;)