Lil' Higgs: Fancy bathroom self portrait equals I'm not paying attention to the super bowl
Lil' Higgs: Dave's fancy pants bathroom
Lil' Higgs: Super Bowl tacos! Yum, yum.
Lil' Higgs: Charles screaming "Chicaaaaggo". He's a Bears fan.
Lil' Higgs: New York in all its urbanness
Lil' Higgs: Pretty colors
Lil' Higgs: Sage and Sarah post fantastic massages
Lil' Higgs: Chinese New Year is right around the corner
Lil' Higgs: Trying to act like he's not cold
Lil' Higgs: It's frEEzing!
Lil' Higgs: 'Holy Crepes' #1 competitor
Lil' Higgs: Little guys in the subway
Lil' Higgs: Sager being pretty in her new hat
Lil' Higgs: Flash war!
Lil' Higgs: Bob & "Super" Bob
Lil' Higgs: Pat is ready
Lil' Higgs: Staying hydrated and trying to wake up
Lil' Higgs: Sage & Phillip playing the 'iChoose' game with the cocktail menu
Lil' Higgs: Gumby boy
Lil' Higgs: Charles's post breakfast jumpathon
Lil' Higgs: h-o-r-s-e
Lil' Higgs: Charles and Aunt Caroline skipping stones on a beautiful Long Island day
Lil' Higgs: Grandma joins the band
Lil' Higgs: Ken v was in the audience scouting
Lil' Higgs: Inspired by Bowie Charles already has a small cult following to his improv jazz style drum playing
Lil' Higgs: Power play
Lil' Higgs: Pat acts as roadie for the band
Lil' Higgs: The most Amazing cake ever detail, please note bedazzled craftsmanship
Lil' Higgs: Mom and Aunt Caroline helped blow out the candles until Charles's lungs are fully developed for the likes of a 4 tier cake