Lil' Higgs: IMG_2427
Lil' Higgs: Hot kids in a hot tub
Lil' Higgs: Long + Lush Lashes
Lil' Higgs: Research on the latest trends
Lil' Higgs: Fly girls can only shop at Safeway
Lil' Higgs: Hot kid
Lil' Higgs: Biking claves
Lil' Higgs: Preping for a tomato / parmesan tart
Lil' Higgs: Maple + Buckley. Happy as can be.
Lil' Higgs: Beautiful day
Lil' Higgs: Spacing out with the surf
Lil' Higgs: Danny-O
Lil' Higgs: A gal and her pup
Lil' Higgs: How everyone feels about pork
Lil' Higgs: Pork sammy
Lil' Higgs: What the hell
Lil' Higgs: Bruschetta
Lil' Higgs: "I lOve youuuu"
Lil' Higgs: Hobbit
Lil' Higgs: Amber's World
Lil' Higgs: Family portrait
Lil' Higgs: Picnic
Lil' Higgs: My what nice contrails you have
Lil' Higgs: Majestic
Lil' Higgs: Just a boy at the river with his pups
Lil' Higgs: Our backyard for the weekend
Lil' Higgs: Just a boy + his pup
Lil' Higgs: One day we'll live in the same city