Vanessa Pike-Russell: Philip with the santa hat
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Philip with the santa hat
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Vanessa with the santa hat\
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Vanessa with the santa hat
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Stan with the Santa hat
Vanessa Pike-Russell: My little sister Renee with Mum opening presents
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Stan and Grandmama
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Pasta marinara, marinated octopus, stuffed cabbage, potato salad, roast pork, vegetables in garlic butter
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Pasta marinara, marinated octopus, stuffed cabbage, potato salad, roast pork, vegetables in garlic butter
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Matthew and my sister Renee
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Our three punch mixtures.
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Photo of my sister Renee and her fiance Matthew that is now framed on my mantlepiece
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Photo of my husband, myself and sister Renee taken at our wedding ten years ago. Renee was bridesmaid and flowergirl in one:)
Vanessa Pike-Russell: My christmas present - a pin impressions toy.
Vanessa Pike-Russell: My christmas present - a pin impressions toy.
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Framed photo of my sister Renee and her fiance Matthew
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Merry Christmas from Isaac, Jacob and Paula
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Paula, Jacob and Isaac
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Paula, Jacob and Isaac
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Paula, Jacob and Isaac
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Paula and Isaac - Newlyweds
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Paula and Isaac - Newlyweds
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Paula, Isaac and Jacob - Family Portrait
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Tree decorating is fun!
Vanessa Pike-Russell: I have a dastardly plan
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Tree decorating is fun!
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Tree decorating is fun!
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Tree decorating is fun!
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Tree decorating is fun!
Vanessa Pike-Russell: Tree decorating is fun!