lilbuttz: Derek and some eggs and socks
lilbuttz: Derek eating some fishes
lilbuttz: Yum Easter!
lilbuttz: Derek and Mama, hunting
lilbuttz: Found a green egg!
lilbuttz: Derek and his Easter basket
lilbuttz: Derek found a yellow egg!
lilbuttz: Look what I got!
lilbuttz: Derek and his mama egg hunting
lilbuttz: Derek and his mama and grandma
lilbuttz: About to get some eggs!
lilbuttz: Can we fill up the basket yet?
lilbuttz: Derek getting shoes on
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lilbuttz: DSC06336.JPG
lilbuttz: DSC06333.JPG
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lilbuttz: 03-20-08_1529.jpg
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lilbuttz: DSC06273.JPG
lilbuttz: More park observing
lilbuttz: Silly
lilbuttz: Tongue
lilbuttz: Nuzzling daddy
lilbuttz: Blurry messy hair
lilbuttz: Messy hair
lilbuttz: At Washington Park