LilBtch: Look at me
LilBtch: Comin' down the mountain
LilBtch: A face only a mother could love
LilBtch: Contemplating
LilBtch: Lunch
LilBtch: Up a tree
LilBtch: Roar
LilBtch: Sting Rays
LilBtch: Shake it off!
LilBtch: Lioness
LilBtch: Flamingos
LilBtch: Out on a limb
LilBtch: Pole Dancer
LilBtch: Damn Fleas
LilBtch: Shades of Pink
LilBtch: Munch, munch, munch
LilBtch: Yeah, I'm laughing at you!
LilBtch: Last shot of the day...
LilBtch: Scarlet Macaws
LilBtch: King Vulture
LilBtch: Can you keep a secret?
LilBtch: Monkey Business : P
LilBtch: Burrowing Owl
LilBtch: Hey, you kids get away from here!
LilBtch: The Lion Sleeps
LilBtch: In his sights
LilBtch: Preparing for his dismount
LilBtch: Hiding from the paparzzi
LilBtch: Amble
LilBtch: Bend