LilBtch: Ho hum
LilBtch: Playing Possum
LilBtch: I need a manicure
LilBtch: Flamingo Row
LilBtch: Today's spa treatment, mud bath
LilBtch: I'm all ears
LilBtch: So there...Pffffft!
LilBtch: In the shade
LilBtch: True Colors
LilBtch: Put your head on my shoulder...
LilBtch: Mirror image
LilBtch: In the shadows
LilBtch: Affection
LilBtch: Classic pose
LilBtch: All tuckered out
LilBtch: Mandarin Ducks
LilBtch: Handsome fellow
LilBtch: The Price
LilBtch: Stripes & Spots