Lilaland: Vacation!
Lilaland: Pilots!
Lilaland: First photo in Spain!
Lilaland: Jetlag
Lilaland: Climbing fake Montserrat
Lilaland: Feijoa (Acca sellowiana) flowers
Lilaland: Tiger
Lilaland: Pinguino
Lilaland: The meercats were a favorite
Lilaland: The first of many great Barcelona playgrounds
Lilaland: Wobble fun
Lilaland: Lantana
Lilaland: Scott makes a whirlpool.
Lilaland: On the zoo train
Lilaland: Hippo!
Lilaland: Cute monkey!
Lilaland: More fun with the monkey sign.
Lilaland: Prairie dogs and parakeets, together at last.
Lilaland: Horse-go-round at another zoo playground
Lilaland: See-saw!
Lilaland: After decorating the frog statue
Lilaland: Momentarily sad in the playground house
Lilaland: Wild snail ride
Lilaland: Nice stamens!
Lilaland: Phytolacca dioica!
Lilaland: Parc de la Ciutadella
Lilaland: Another Àrea de Joc
Lilaland: Obligatory posing with the Mammoth
Lilaland: On the trunk
Lilaland: There were sad moments