Lil Meggy: Audrey, Cello and Josh
Lil Meggy: Cello and Raindrop
Lil Meggy: this guy!
Lil Meggy: a hobbit in the trees
Lil Meggy: tryin' on another kid's bike for size
Lil Meggy: future Hell's Angel?
Lil Meggy: in reverse
Lil Meggy: little man
Lil Meggy: in his teepee
Lil Meggy: at the Farm Tactics pop up
Lil Meggy: strong man
Lil Meggy: all by himself
Lil Meggy: YAAAAAY
Lil Meggy: buddies
Lil Meggy: big slide stylee
Lil Meggy: No fear in 2013
Lil Meggy: A perfectly Cello sized spot
Lil Meggy: Cello wants to be stereotyped, he wants to be classified
Lil Meggy: Sunshine on a rainy day
Lil Meggy: Cello and his tongue
Lil Meggy: Future Landscape Architect/Permaculturalist
Lil Meggy: landscaping
Lil Meggy: Who cares about the slide when there is mulch?
Lil Meggy: Too Fast, Too Furious
Lil Meggy: Big foot, little foot
Lil Meggy: parallel play
Lil Meggy: double trouble
Lil Meggy: Construction Zone
Lil Meggy: STOKED
Lil Meggy: We go HAM at the playground