Lil Meggy: vintage shoppin' in Austin
Lil Meggy: Impromptu Installation featuring Donna Summer
Lil Meggy: Impromptu Installation
Lil Meggy: Impromptu Installation, miscellany
Lil Meggy: Impromptu Installation, miscellany
Lil Meggy: Work in Progress
Lil Meggy: Adding
Lil Meggy: Adding +
Lil Meggy: Delicious Golden Tofu
Lil Meggy: Laura in her garden hat
Lil Meggy: Bats at Dusk
Lil Meggy: Going Batty
Lil Meggy: Laura and Joan on the Bat Bridge
Lil Meggy: Barton Mermaids
Lil Meggy: Barton Babes
Lil Meggy: Sunbathers
Lil Meggy: Hot Bitches
Lil Meggy: Lady Bird Johnson observation tower
Lil Meggy: Joan in the sun
Lil Meggy: Observing
Lil Meggy: Buzz Buzz
Lil Meggy: This was called Mexican something or other
Lil Meggy: Glamourous
Lil Meggy: blooms
Lil Meggy: Looks like Joan is coming out of Laura's ear
Lil Meggy: Pretty Pretty
Lil Meggy: discussing the flora
Lil Meggy: Identifying the Indian Paintbrush
Lil Meggy: Lavender Mate Sour
Lil Meggy: Joanie P