thefoxling: venice
thefoxling: "we are legion" 1997
thefoxling: sir galahad 1987-2008(1)
thefoxling: virgin with child 1992(3)
thefoxling: Studio
thefoxling: rozanne with tabitha t aunty adas 1933 2004 05(3)
thefoxling: R.Hawksley_04(1)
thefoxling: orpheus
thefoxling: missionaccomplished
thefoxling: He always wanted to be a soldier I, 2006
thefoxling: metamorphosis
thefoxling: maidens garland 2009
thefoxling: get thee to the nunnery
thefoxling: garter
thefoxling: i will fly south for mathew 1995 -97(3)
thefoxling: et ne non inducas and lead us not 1987 1989
thefoxling: casualties were light
thefoxling: Bye Bye Baby: take one every morning, 2008
thefoxling: bible
thefoxling: pale rider, 2008
thefoxling: pale armistice
thefoxling: and lead us not (detail) 1987-1989