lightwrite: Arriving in Juneau, Alaska with a view of Mendenhall Glacier
lightwrite: June in Juneau
lightwrite: Bleeding Hearts at the B&B
lightwrite: Azaleas at their peak, Juneau B&B
lightwrite: Juneau Harbor, floatplane
lightwrite: Juneau harbor, cruise ship
lightwrite: Native Columbine
lightwrite: Going up the tram from Juneau harbor
lightwrite: View of Juneau downtown from the aerial tram
lightwrite: The aerial tram up Mt. Roberts (great for hiking) - video
lightwrite: View of Juneau inlet from aerial tram
lightwrite: Jenn! atop Mt. Roberts
lightwrite: Cornus canadensis, a groundcover dogwood
lightwrite: Jenn and CJ
lightwrite: A native Fritillaria camschatcensis (Kamchatka fritillary) on Mt. Roberts
lightwrite: Juneau harbor, cruise ship from Mt. Roberts viewing deck
lightwrite: Atop Mt. Roberts, the rainforest
lightwrite: Large liverwort moss
lightwrite: A view of the Juneau inlet
lightwrite: Bald eagle (caged, injured by hunters) atop Mt. Roberts
lightwrite: Signs, Juneau downtown
lightwrite: Native art and totem pole, Juneau
lightwrite: Wildflowers and fallen trees in downtown Juneau
lightwrite: Juneau B&B
lightwrite: Mendenhall Glacier, overcast
lightwrite: Mendenhall Glacier from public trail (about as close as you can get on foot, without a hike or a boat)
lightwrite: Mendenhall Glacier
lightwrite: Beaver Dam, downstream from Mendenhall Lake
lightwrite: Glacier chunk, Mendenhall Lake
lightwrite: Flowers in the rainforest near Mendenhall Lake