scorpio queen: Tranquil morning view from the Airbnb in London
scorpio queen: The Thames
scorpio queen: Looking west towards Canary Wharf
scorpio queen: Balcony at the Airbnb
scorpio queen: Kitchen window at the Airbnb
scorpio queen: Helena's life on display!
scorpio queen: Pillow in my bedroom at Helena's wonderful, cosy Airbnb by The Thames
scorpio queen: Another version of the view from Helena's Airbnb
scorpio queen: Cocktails with Emma at The Shard
scorpio queen: Emma and Ben looking super gorgeous at The Shard!
scorpio queen: Panorama, Chamers Wharf
scorpio queen: IMG_4213
scorpio queen: View from the park outside the building where I'm staying in London
scorpio queen: Thames River
scorpio queen: Helen Mirren's home - the three-storey building on the right
scorpio queen: View from Ben and Emma's balcony in Bermondsey March 2016
scorpio queen: Window-washing in London!
scorpio queen: Marcel loves this sunny spot on the sofa late in the afternoon
scorpio queen: Marcel's turn ....
scorpio queen: James at Brighton on a not so bright day
scorpio queen: IMG_3820
scorpio queen: advertisment for knitted garments?
scorpio queen: James, me, Emma, Ben
scorpio queen: Ben, Emma and Marcel
scorpio queen: I'll be back in one month, Mucca