lightpainter: Quito, the capital of Ecuador
lightpainter: kids playing in a dugout canoe
lightpainter: sunset in the rain forest
lightpainter: tubing in Amazona
lightpainter: Nun in Quito
lightpainter: dugout canoe on the Rio Napo
lightpainter: Quito - the old city
lightpainter: Amazon Faces
lightpainter: Ben in Quito
lightpainter: shoeshine boys
lightpainter: market in Latacunga
lightpainter: Otavalo Market
lightpainter: land of the lost
lightpainter: canoes
lightpainter: poison dart frog
lightpainter: mother's challenge
lightpainter: paradise
lightpainter: dawn on the river
lightpainter: little girl in Mondaña
lightpainter: panama hats....
lightpainter: salesmanship
lightpainter: dusk in the old city, Quito Ecuador
lightpainter: Cotopaxi
lightpainter: why they call it the rain forest
lightpainter: fishing for piranha
lightpainter: Hoatzin
lightpainter: pygmy marmoset
lightpainter: jungle