lightningxfast: Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
lightningxfast: (Boeberia parmenio) no common name
lightningxfast: checkerspot sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: Common Branded Skipper (Hesperia comma) ?? confirmation to come.
lightningxfast: Black-veined White (Aporia crataegi)
lightningxfast: blue sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: (Boeberia parmenio) no common name
lightningxfast: Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
lightningxfast: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
lightningxfast: alpine sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: alpine sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: blue sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: checkerspot sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: checkerspot sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: alpine sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: checkerspot sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: Common Branded Skipper (Hesperia comma)
lightningxfast: Common Branded Skipper (Hesperia comma)
lightningxfast: Common Branded Skipper (Hesperia comma)
lightningxfast: Common Branded Skipper (Hesperia comma)
lightningxfast: arctic sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: Small Apollo (Parnassius phoebus)
lightningxfast: Colias sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: (Coenonympha amaryllis) no common name
lightningxfast: checkerspot sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: Mazarine Blue (Polyommatus semiargus) ??
lightningxfast: (Boeberia parmenio) no common name
lightningxfast: fritillary sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: checkerspot sp. ID to come.
lightningxfast: checkerspot sp. ID to come.