shutterbugMike: 61 degrees and feelin' fine. January heat wave!
shutterbugMike: TGIF(morning)
shutterbugMike: Sick day. Hiding from the world.
shutterbugMike: Fly Away
shutterbugMike: Blue Skies
shutterbugMike: Saturday night homemade dinner time.
shutterbugMike: A tiny bit of winter finally takes hold.
shutterbugMike: Valentines Dinner Dance
shutterbugMike: She said yes. :)
shutterbugMike: Nightfall in Montclair.
shutterbugMike: Furious Flurries
shutterbugMike: Imperium Nubilum
shutterbugMike: Downtown
shutterbugMike: Crossroads
shutterbugMike: "Lunch" ...thanks, mama nature :)
shutterbugMike: Better late than never...