*CA*: New York still has a Village
*CA*: Everything was frosted after mixed precipitation
*CA*: A scofflaw lives on Gay Street
*CA*: They assume paths are for them
*CA*: She had failed to plan ahead
*CA*: I was lost in the details
*CA*: An old piazza through old glass
*CA*: Fontana dei Libri
*CA*: If Hopper had lived in Venice
*CA*: I was helpless before her charm
*CA*: Perhaps just a glass of sherry....
*CA*: Even better with the window open
*CA*: Dare
*CA*: Cruising the Malecón in the Edsel
*CA*: Curb Appeal
*CA*: It was dark; I wasn't afraid.
*CA*: Only the lonely
*CA*: homeward
*CA*: Heron
*CA*: Mowed field in the fog
*CA*: The day before the nor'easter came
*CA*: Feed the deer; keep the rhododendrons
*CA*: How I spent my summer vacation
*CA*: Torn
*CA*: Long Day's Journey
*CA*: Magnolia, 2
*CA*: Self portrait, 2
*CA*: Blues on a Rainy Night
*CA*: Oh, Oh, She's found a new tool, 2
*CA*: Castel Sant'Angelo on a rainy day