Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Boulder outreach
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
visitor takes materials
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Booth on Pearl Street
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Ministry in Action
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
"Free Thinking In Boulder"
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Someone takes a Bible
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Bibles and literature free
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach table on Pearl Street
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Christians witnessing
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Visitor takes book
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
"Who Wants a Judgmental God?"
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach at New Age stores
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Christians share with others about God
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach table with materials
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Bibles for free on table
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Only on Pearl Street...
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Ministry in Action
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Boulder outreach
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Boulder outreach
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Boulder outreach
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach on Pearl Street
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach on Pearl Street
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach on Pearl Street
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach on Pearl Street
Lighting the Way Worldwide:
Outreach on Pearl Street