light thru my lens: Home gris (o no tant) esmorzant dret a la platja
light thru my lens: línies | líneas | lines
light thru my lens: iRed [ǝןddɐ ǝuo | ɐuɐzuɐɯ ɐun]
light thru my lens: #MMMMMM [white]*
light thru my lens: spring light
light thru my lens: ~la vie en rose~
light thru my lens: Energizing Yellowness
light thru my lens: not inspired for a title for this one.... any idea?
light thru my lens: {blau|blue}+{pluja|rain}
light thru my lens: ... this is the beginning of a love story...
light thru my lens: .... can we consider fog as a natural bokeh-maker?
light thru my lens: Electric Flower for a Happy Monday Blues!
light thru my lens: same glass | different flower
light thru my lens: yes it's another leaf...
light thru my lens: Lilliputian Chronicles (V)
light thru my lens: ~spotters~
light thru my lens: Lilliputian Chronicles (II)
light thru my lens: blanc ]absolut[ white
light thru my lens: contact º\O
light thru my lens: sun & blur [from my window]
light thru my lens: 口 [FraMed Sea]
light thru my lens: dark at sea
light thru my lens: Walking Meditations (II): ´||`
light thru my lens: The Worm Goes To The Beach on a Cloudy But Not Rainy Day
light thru my lens: Walking Meditations (III)