light thru my lens: {the sadness of the moored boat}
light thru my lens: ~autumn bench bokeh~
light thru my lens: Salvador Dalí's brushes, reloaded ;-)
light thru my lens: Jo/Yo/Me:1 - Photoshop:0 :-D
light thru my lens: 米饭 // Rice
light thru my lens: My shadow and me [tagged]
light thru my lens: through the window(s)
light thru my lens: experiments de diumenge a la tarda
light thru my lens: can I have five minutes more of summer chaos, please?
light thru my lens: fluffy dark
light thru my lens: The Worm Goes To The Beach on a Cloudy But Not Rainy Day
light thru my lens: Memory doesn't store movies, it stores photographies
light thru my lens: Volcanic Blue
light thru my lens: meet you @t Russell Sq.
light thru my lens: #7: Escales
light thru my lens: [25/52 Weeks in B&W]: Palindromic Daffodils (virats i texturats)
light thru my lens: Cap de Ses Salines
light thru my lens: Old Modernist Cemetery
light thru my lens: Old Postcards
light thru my lens: We ♥ London
light thru my lens: TexturizeMe
light thru my lens: Our Xmas Tree
light thru my lens: [2:52/44] Di-ven-dres | Fri-Day | Vier-nes
light thru my lens: [7:52/44] ... that blur just before facing a new day, you know?
light thru my lens: Plats Bruts