LifeStar7: P.Sharkey explains the importance of child dedication - 1
LifeStar7: P.Sharkey explains the importance of child dedication - 2
LifeStar7: Ethel & her family come up
LifeStar7: P.Sharkey introduces Ethel & Jordon
LifeStar7: He asks a set of questions to Ethel - 1
LifeStar7: He asks a set of questions to Ethel - 2
LifeStar7: P.Sharkey asks the congregation of our commitment
LifeStar7: P.Sharkey prays for Jordon - 1
LifeStar7: P.Sharkey prays for Jordon - 2
LifeStar7: P.Sharkey prays for Jordon - 3
LifeStar7: P.Sharkey prays for Jordon - 4
LifeStar7: Jordon's Simba moment - 1
LifeStar7: Jordon's Simba moment - 2
LifeStar7: Jordon's Simba moment - 3
LifeStar7: Ethel & Jordon with family