LifeStar7: The Graduates walking - 1
LifeStar7: The Graduates walking - 2
LifeStar7: Tulsa Campus Graduation Program
LifeStar7: Lisa's friend Jenn receives her diploma
LifeStar7: Ann having received her diploma
LifeStar7: Lisa walking to receive her diploma
LifeStar7: Obviously she's pretty happy about that
LifeStar7: Diploma in sight
LifeStar7: Almost looks like a football pass
LifeStar7: Diploma in hand, Lisa walks briskly by us
LifeStar7: The new doctor walking out with her class
LifeStar7: Dr. Lisa Siswanto
LifeStar7: My wife was pretty happy today
LifeStar7: Lisa with Ann & Jenn
LifeStar7: The Siswanto Doctors
LifeStar7: Sister Doctors?
LifeStar7: The "unofficial" diploma
LifeStar7: Proud doctors
LifeStar7: Jenn & her father
LifeStar7: Me with my sister-in-law, the doctor
LifeStar7: Lisa & her father
LifeStar7: Lisa & I again
LifeStar7: Lisa w/her parents
LifeStar7: Lisa & the valedictorian
LifeStar7: The Siswanto Women
LifeStar7: Sister daughters with parents
LifeStar7: Lisa & her mom
LifeStar7: All of us - 1
LifeStar7: All of us - 2
LifeStar7: I'm suspecting Lisa's cheek bones are hurting about now