LifeStar7: Clothing street vendor
LifeStar7: Mike talks with his students
LifeStar7: Needs a little help
LifeStar7: Baby monkey doing his chin ups
LifeStar7: Training time
LifeStar7: Monkey in the city
LifeStar7: She's definitely enjoying her snack
LifeStar7: Monkey perched near the temple exit
LifeStar7: Sofia & I
LifeStar7: Us with Prakash, minus Mike
LifeStar7: The Nepal Team, 2009
LifeStar7: The pigeons also liked the vantage point
LifeStar7: More Buddhist temple art
LifeStar7: Test shot for a group shot
LifeStar7: Another temple structure
LifeStar7: Enjoying the view
LifeStar7: Eunice & Mike recording the scenery
LifeStar7: Kathmandu Valley before us
LifeStar7: The Temple eyes
LifeStar7: Soaring bird above the city
LifeStar7: The gals and the temple
LifeStar7: We're surrounded by mini-temple points
LifeStar7: Jira with the mini-temples
LifeStar7: Team, passing the monkeys, continue hiking up
LifeStar7: They don't call it the Monkey Temple for nothing
LifeStar7: One of many little thiefs around the temple area
LifeStar7: With the altar
LifeStar7: Closer shot
LifeStar7: One of the first altars we encountered
LifeStar7: Outside the Monkey Temple