LifeStar7: I think pink suits her well
LifeStar7: Girl looks up
LifeStar7: Notetaker
LifeStar7: The listening doctor
LifeStar7: More interviews
LifeStar7: Elderly Nepali man
LifeStar7: Village ladies waiting for their turn
LifeStar7: Two teenage girls peering in
LifeStar7: Can I see? Can I see?
LifeStar7: There were a lot of kids who kept looking up at us
LifeStar7: Salina keeps on writing
LifeStar7: Village women examing their new clothes
LifeStar7: Mike observing Prakash translating
LifeStar7: Prakash was an invaluable participate of the effort
LifeStar7: Prakash & Salina share a look
LifeStar7: Salina listening as Prakash translates
LifeStar7: Medical surveys progressing
LifeStar7: Mike in the middle of the village survey
LifeStar7: Mike & Devi had gathered a good size crowd around them
LifeStar7: The make-shift chart
LifeStar7: Devi & Mike take a pause
LifeStar7: Jenn with her flower pedals
LifeStar7: Bless this stream...
LifeStar7: Baboo 2
LifeStar7: Baboo has learned about the almighty camera
LifeStar7: Quirky Baboo look
LifeStar7: Another funny look
LifeStar7: Funny gurgles of laughter
LifeStar7: The team with part of the host family
LifeStar7: Cooking with Devi