LifeStar7: The amazing Coke bottling machine
LifeStar7: The first thing you see when you enter the museum
LifeStar7: Slightly fuzzy
LifeStar7: Looks like the Korean brand
LifeStar7: Pumped the cola in
LifeStar7: The conveyer belt in action
LifeStar7: A wheelbarrel of Coke
LifeStar7: Fake Coke bottles
LifeStar7: This fake coke still has the original liquid inside
LifeStar7: Standardization
LifeStar7: The Chinese ads from Coke
LifeStar7: Chinese woman #1
LifeStar7: Chinese woman #2
LifeStar7: Different banners for Coke
LifeStar7: Coke art from Turkey #1
LifeStar7: Coke art from Turkey #2
LifeStar7: The first Santa ad from Coke
LifeStar7: Remember him?
LifeStar7: Another Chinese Ad
LifeStar7: Taste samples for the USA
LifeStar7: Coke's spin on a water fountain
LifeStar7: The Coke motorcycle
LifeStar7: Coke...sponser of the Red Sox
LifeStar7: Coke has their own World Series ring!!!
LifeStar7: What a sight
LifeStar7: IMG_0263
LifeStar7: The emblem
LifeStar7: International Coke drinks
LifeStar7: China gets Fanta
LifeStar7: This was pretty darn good!