LifeStar7: Jen rehearsing
LifeStar7: The ushers relaxing and waiting
LifeStar7: Chia Chi does one of her strides
LifeStar7: Mom's lighting the candles
LifeStar7: Come to me
LifeStar7: Shadow of the actual day
LifeStar7: The stand-in
LifeStar7: Pre-wedding hug
LifeStar7: Reading practice vows
LifeStar7: Unity candles
LifeStar7: Another altar shot
LifeStar7: Read the scriptures
LifeStar7: The english version
LifeStar7: More to the left
LifeStar7: Blurry PT
LifeStar7: You stand over there
LifeStar7: All right, hold hands
LifeStar7: I Peter...
LifeStar7: Pretend to put on ring
LifeStar7: Getting pretend communion
LifeStar7: Pretending to drink the cup
LifeStar7: Pretending to light the candle
LifeStar7: Pretending to blow them out
LifeStar7: Actually hugging the parents
LifeStar7: The practice walk out of the santurary
LifeStar7: Vivian at the door
LifeStar7: Peter and one of his cousins
LifeStar7: Good food at Minado
LifeStar7: Kenny and Angela
LifeStar7: Interior shot of our little corner