LifeStar7: Sofia and Lisa 1
LifeStar7: Sofia and Lisa 2
LifeStar7: She in pink, I in blue
LifeStar7: Lisa and Katie
LifeStar7: The sisters
LifeStar7: Angela and Kenny
LifeStar7: Couples shot
LifeStar7: Closer shot of us four
LifeStar7: Katie and Sofia
LifeStar7: Me and Katie
LifeStar7: All the gals together
LifeStar7: Goofy shot of the glam 5
LifeStar7: Kenny & I
LifeStar7: The wedding party has arrived!
LifeStar7: Setting up the guest table and clothes
LifeStar7: The final look of the unity table
LifeStar7: The bread and cup are ready
LifeStar7: The wedding program
LifeStar7: One of Peter's friends
LifeStar7: Vivian, the expert in pinning flowers
LifeStar7: Nice job I'd say
LifeStar7: The wedding director and the gals
LifeStar7: The male ushers ready to ush...
LifeStar7: The director with her boyfriend
LifeStar7: Chia Chi's parents and brother
LifeStar7: The bridemaids
LifeStar7: Father of the bride
LifeStar7: Lisa performing her role
LifeStar7: The vows
LifeStar7: The candle