A.Myers: Off-road Fun
A.Myers: Off-road Fun
A.Myers: "How far down you think that is?"
A.Myers: Aye-ya-Yie!
A.Myers: AAayyyyeeeeeee-YAAAA!!
A.Myers: Utah Landscape
A.Myers: Sure a long way down
A.Myers: Utah Landscape
A.Myers: Utah Landscape
A.Myers: Petroglyphs
A.Myers: Petroglyphs
A.Myers: Utah Landscape
A.Myers: Unnamed
A.Myers: Gemini Bridges
A.Myers: More fun with timed exposures
A.Myers: Moonlight
A.Myers: Devil's Garden by Moonlight
A.Myers: Delicate Arch
A.Myers: Delicate Arch
A.Myers: Rain Shower
A.Myers: Rain Shower
A.Myers: Utah Light Show
A.Myers: Silhouette Formations
A.Myers: Twinkle-Twinkle
A.Myers: Campsite at Black Canyon
A.Myers: Fauna
A.Myers: Flora
A.Myers: Black Canyon of the Gunnison
A.Myers: Gary the Grasshopper
A.Myers: Chipmunk