_Zenji_: Learning balance at an early age
_Zenji_: Big john gets his hair did
_Zenji_: Braids
_Zenji_: Cody's fan club
_Zenji_: Little kid with huge knife
_Zenji_: In the village
_Zenji_: Big john
_Zenji_: Cody at anamabo
_Zenji_: Little girl
_Zenji_: Life in the village
_Zenji_: Family
_Zenji_: Big john's talkin but cody ain't buyin
_Zenji_: Countryside
_Zenji_: Cody
_Zenji_: Happy kids
_Zenji_: Lake
_Zenji_: ocean
_Zenji_: Rest stop
_Zenji_: At duncan's in accra
_Zenji_: waiting for the bus to fill
_Zenji_: Life in the peace corps
_Zenji_: Pool
_Zenji_: Salsa lessons outdoors
_Zenji_: Salsa
_Zenji_: Professional-grade salsa
_Zenji_: Follow me
_Zenji_: Starting easy
_Zenji_: Dude, I can't move like that!
_Zenji_: Raja
_Zenji_: So much money