katherine.anna.moore: sleepy kitty
katherine.anna.moore: this reminds me of you
katherine.anna.moore: I just died.
katherine.anna.moore: I love the light on these mountains. they're so prehistoric.
katherine.anna.moore: even a conference center looks a bit nicer at sunset
katherine.anna.moore: kitten rescue
katherine.anna.moore: only through a window today
katherine.anna.moore: denture dog. man, has he got a deal for you.
katherine.anna.moore: rainy ass Hawaii
katherine.anna.moore: odd choice for tourist candy. but it poses.
katherine.anna.moore: requisite view from my hammock
katherine.anna.moore: Thai massage gone wild
katherine.anna.moore: "please. do not be alarmed. we are professionals." and I vomit.
katherine.anna.moore: back in the Prius
katherine.anna.moore: father daughter
katherine.anna.moore: three tables. and a dog.
katherine.anna.moore: home for the night
katherine.anna.moore: lodging and transportation.