lifeinthedistrict: West Virginia autumn
lifeinthedistrict: old farmhouse outside petersburg, wv
lifeinthedistrict: Rt. 55 in West Virginia.
lifeinthedistrict: good ol' west virginia.
lifeinthedistrict: country roads...
lifeinthedistrict: drive back down the mountain.
lifeinthedistrict: snicks going after a chipmunk.
lifeinthedistrict: Bear Rocks Pano
lifeinthedistrict: "are we really going to cross this?"
lifeinthedistrict: pup anxious to hit the trail.
lifeinthedistrict: one of several creeks we had to ford.
lifeinthedistrict: wilderness welcome sign - full of understatements...
lifeinthedistrict: view of dolly sods.
lifeinthedistrict: dolly sods
lifeinthedistrict: red creek.
lifeinthedistrict: hanging out after dinner.
lifeinthedistrict: taking a break.
lifeinthedistrict: coming out of the woods.
lifeinthedistrict: view from dolly sods
lifeinthedistrict: flooded trail.
lifeinthedistrict: campsite the second night