darrenisreal: Angry birds after angry baby. #vaccinated
darrenisreal: Think it looks better in him. #thereallochlan
darrenisreal: over served
darrenisreal: Did I do that?
darrenisreal: And my last #levitation in my #5shotchallenge who I was tagged by my talented sis @simplyayj. That was a fun series. Don't think I followed the rules correctly. Was suppose to tag someone in each photo I guess. Well this is the last on but I'll tag my
darrenisreal: 10 Weeks
darrenisreal: Somebody wants to exploring with daddy! Have I mentioned how I want to eat him. Seriously he's too darn cute!!
darrenisreal: It's Over?!? Happy New Year friends!!!
darrenisreal: 8 weeks
darrenisreal: early mornings