IngallsIdyllGirl: Up the Throat of a Delphinium
IngallsIdyllGirl: Some Hold onto Rain, Some Dry Faster
IngallsIdyllGirl: Green Flowers with a 'Fringe Cup'
IngallsIdyllGirl: They Start Late 'Round Here
IngallsIdyllGirl: So Identifiable - NOT!
IngallsIdyllGirl: Wildflower- with hitchiker
IngallsIdyllGirl: Bud Clumps... or are these flowers?
IngallsIdyllGirl: Had more petals before the rains!
IngallsIdyllGirl: Is it one Delphinium, and a Field of Delphinia?
IngallsIdyllGirl: Looking up at the cups
IngallsIdyllGirl: Unknown Wild pink Clover sp
IngallsIdyllGirl: California Poppies
IngallsIdyllGirl: Minute Mystery Flower
IngallsIdyllGirl: Wetland Flowers
IngallsIdyllGirl: Sherardia arvensis, field madder
IngallsIdyllGirl: Tolmei's Pussy Ears Emerging
IngallsIdyllGirl: Set the controls for the heart of the flower...
IngallsIdyllGirl: Open Hairy Tulip
IngallsIdyllGirl: If this isn't miner's Lettuce
IngallsIdyllGirl: Me and my tiny mysteries...
IngallsIdyllGirl: A different delicious yellow
IngallsIdyllGirl: Slender Phlox
IngallsIdyllGirl: Anthers like triumphant arms
IngallsIdyllGirl: Poppies and Vetch
IngallsIdyllGirl: Poison Oak Flowers