Backdoor Buttercups: Scavengers on the wing
Backdoor Buttercups: Breakfast time!
Backdoor Buttercups: Winter visitors
Backdoor Buttercups: Peek-a-boo!
Backdoor Buttercups: Spring violet
Backdoor Buttercups: sipping nectar...
Backdoor Buttercups: A most unlikely looking bug!
Backdoor Buttercups: Sheltering Phoebe
Backdoor Buttercups: splash bath!
Backdoor Buttercups: birds of a feather
Backdoor Buttercups: mud hen in the rain
Backdoor Buttercups: Hiding in the Shadows
Backdoor Buttercups: Buzzin in the Garden
Backdoor Buttercups: scampering down the hill
Backdoor Buttercups: just around the bend...
Backdoor Buttercups: fern in the woods