"our world, our times": myTown - Notch Hill Road Church (IMG_3350)
"our world, our times": myTown - the Thompson Valley #1 (IMG_2592
"our world, our times": the 3 sisters (IMG_6083)
"our world, our times": Knutsford, BC
"our world, our times": alone (IMG_7800)
"our world, our times": pre-walk recon (IMG_7803) ** Yay!!!! My 1st Explore!!!
"our world, our times": Hey!!! Wait for me!! (IMG_1874)
"our world, our times": Hekyll & Jekyll (IMG_7318)
"our world, our times": myTown - Notch Hill twisted church #2 IMG_3377)
"our world, our times": myTown - Notch Hill twisted church #3 (IMG_3411)
"our world, our times": myTown - Notch Hill twisted church #4 (IMG_3407)
"our world, our times": myTown - outbuilding and cattle (IMG_3219)
"our world, our times": Knutsford, BC
"our world, our times": myTown - horse and trailer (IMG_3240)
"our world, our times": Knutsford, BC
"our world, our times": myTown - "What are YOU looking at?" (IMG_3217)
"our world, our times": Mt. Revelstoke National Park
"our world, our times": myTown - tractor and horse (IMG_3248)
"our world, our times": Knutsford, BC
"our world, our times": a frosty mist ...
"our world, our times": aging gracefully
"our world, our times": Knutsford, BC
"our world, our times": twilight in Kamloops (IMG_3890)(E5)
"our world, our times": Knutsford, BC
"our world, our times": along the rose hill trail ...
"our world, our times": a little winter magic ...
"our world, our times": myTown - Notch Hill twisted church #7 (IMG_3443)
"our world, our times": Rabbit Island in the South Thompson River (IMG_1691)
"our world, our times": the Dewdrop Plateau (IMG_1822)