Life Backpacker: Shwedagon area at night
Life Backpacker: Shwedagon flootr at night
Life Backpacker: Shwedagon in the afternoon
Life Backpacker: Sleek traditional dance
Life Backpacker: temple under renovation, but Buddha never sleeps
Life Backpacker: Time for Cinderella to go home
Life Backpacker: Time for monk to have supper
Life Backpacker: apprentice with family
Life Backpacker: bald non-monk praying
Life Backpacker: bathing time-closeup
Life Backpacker: Cinderella is ringing the bell
Life Backpacker: dozing monk
Life Backpacker: female monks praying
Life Backpacker: He-she traditional dance
Life Backpacker: humble figure
Life Backpacker: Indian influence in Shwedagon
Life Backpacker: Indian lady peddler
Life Backpacker: it's bathing time
Life Backpacker: Kaledioscope in Shwedagon
Life Backpacker: Late night bath
Life Backpacker: Mobile Yangon market
Life Backpacker: Night market at Yangon Chinatown
Life Backpacker: pilgrimage for gold temple from home