librarytheatre: Merchant Of Venice
librarytheatre: Julius Ceaser 1959
librarytheatre: The Offshore Island 1960
librarytheatre: The Beaux Stragegem 1960
librarytheatre: The long and the Short and the Tall 1950S
librarytheatre: Brer Rabbit 1959
librarytheatre: Henry IV part one 1959
librarytheatre: Marriage of Mr Missippii 1960
librarytheatre: PLayboy Of the Western World 1960
librarytheatre: The Glass Menagerie 57- cover
librarytheatre: Earnest '52 cast 4
librarytheatre: The Glass Menagerie 57 - production2
librarytheatre: The Glass Menagerie 57 - production 1
librarytheatre: The Glass Menagerie 57- cast
librarytheatre: Earnest '52 - production3
librarytheatre: Earnest '52 - production 2
librarytheatre: Earnest '52 - production 1
librarytheatre: The Crucible - production 1
librarytheatre: The Glass Menagerie 1957 - cover
librarytheatre: St Joan 1955 - cover
librarytheatre: Pinocchio 1956 - cover
librarytheatre: Hay Fever 1957 - cover
librarytheatre: Hindle Wakes 1958 - cover
librarytheatre: The Glass Menagerie 1957 - cast
librarytheatre: Hindle Wakes 1958 - cast
librarytheatre: Hay Fever 1957 - cast
librarytheatre: Salesman 1955 - production
librarytheatre: Salesman 1955 - production 2
librarytheatre: Salesman 1955 - cast
librarytheatre: Pinocchio 1956 - production