The Heatherness: Mike and me, chillin'.
The Heatherness: Angry self-portrait
The Heatherness: Smiley self-portrait
The Heatherness: Josh and Sarah
The Heatherness: Mike and Sarah
The Heatherness: Mike with a dancing catepillar on his face
The Heatherness: Brake caliper
The Heatherness: Stained glass window, from across the street
The Heatherness: Wild Yellow Rose
The Heatherness: Bike chain
The Heatherness: Squirrel bell
The Heatherness: Woolbearers
The Heatherness: Progress on wedding sampler
The Heatherness: Floss stash
The Heatherness: Living room
The Heatherness: Media hutch
The Heatherness: Radiator cover
The Heatherness: Silk flower wreath
The Heatherness: Craft attack
The Heatherness: Floss doo-doo
The Heatherness: Crazy cat
The Heatherness: Attack cat
The Heatherness: Mike and Chico
The Heatherness: A moment of stillness
The Heatherness: Mike and Chico