CMLibraryInAction: Father Goose
CMLibraryInAction: Father Goose Jr.
CMLibraryInAction: Airplane dance
CMLibraryInAction: Everybody Fly
CMLibraryInAction: Get Moving
CMLibraryInAction: I believe I can fly!
CMLibraryInAction: Clap your hands
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Dancing with the Stars
CMLibraryInAction: Father Goose
CMLibraryInAction: Father Goose
CMLibraryInAction: Father Goose
CMLibraryInAction: Father Goose
CMLibraryInAction: Chair dancing
CMLibraryInAction: I love this!
CMLibraryInAction: All together now
CMLibraryInAction: Hey Mr. Mallas
CMLibraryInAction: Stomp your feet
CMLibraryInAction: Move your feet
CMLibraryInAction: Please take my picture