library_mistress: Stadtbibliothek Naumburg (Saale)
library_mistress: Anna Amalia-Bibliothek
library_mistress: Stadtbibliothek Weimar
library_mistress: University Library Weimar
library_mistress: Stadtbibliothek Weimar
library_mistress: Archiv, Sammlung, Bibliothek Buchenwald
library_mistress: Reading Goethe in front of Goethe memorial
library_mistress: Reading Schiller comic in front of Schiller memorial
library_mistress: Reading Schiller comic in front of Schiller museum
library_mistress: Reading Schiller comic in front of his home
library_mistress: Reading Goethe in front of his home
library_mistress: Grabstein eines Bibliothekars
library_mistress: Gegen Polizeigewalt - fight back
library_mistress: Hunde verboten - Campus-Wiese!
library_mistress: Grabsteine am Historischen Friedhof
library_mistress: University Library Weimar
library_mistress: University library Weimar
library_mistress: Antiquariat Zwiebelfisch, Weimar
library_mistress: Stadtarchiv Weimar
library_mistress: Stadtarchiv Weimar
library_mistress: Gedenkstein für Bibliothekar Georg Neumark
library_mistress: Stadtarchiv Weimar
library_mistress: University archives, Weimar
library_mistress: Antiquariat
library_mistress: Was ist denn da verboten?
library_mistress: Goethe- und Schillerarchiv, Weimar
library_mistress: Enten füttern
library_mistress: Anna Amalia-Bibliothek, Weimar
library_mistress: Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Weimar
library_mistress: Readers' digest "library" in our hotel