library_mistress: hundred paces
library_mistress: Book of Kells
library_mistress: Irish bus plan
library_mistress: King Johns' Castle, Carlingford
library_mistress: Irish postbox
library_mistress: Reading statue
library_mistress: Reading Joyce in front of the Joyce memorial
library_mistress: Still no sign of Godot
library_mistress: Egans House
library_mistress: Proleek Dolmen, 2
library_mistress: Proleek Dolmen, 1
library_mistress: Carlingford Priory, 2
library_mistress: Carlingford Priory, 1
library_mistress: Oifis puist / Post office
library_mistress: In St Patrick's Park
library_mistress: Tree and sea, 2
library_mistress: Tree and sea, 1
library_mistress: Irish tulips
library_mistress: Dundalk Public Library
library_mistress: Dundalk Democrat
library_mistress: Dundalk Church
library_mistress: Dundalk
library_mistress: Chester Beatty Library & me
library_mistress: Chester Beatty Library
library_mistress: Knowth megalithic tomb
library_mistress: Knowth megalithic tomb
library_mistress: Knowth megalithic tomb
library_mistress: Kaiserkrone / crown imperial
library_mistress: Primeln / primroses