vanhookc: Fluffy White
vanhookc: White Petals
vanhookc: Longstyle sweetroot, long-styled sweet cicely, aniseroot
vanhookc: Delphinium tricorne (Dwarf Larkspur)
vanhookc: Wood Phlox Cultivar (Phlox divaricata ‘Blue moon’)
vanhookc: Narcissus medioluteus
vanhookc: Iris
vanhookc: Lily of the Valley
vanhookc: Red, Trumpet or Coral Honeysuckle, LONICERA SEMPERVIRENS
vanhookc: Soon! BLACKBERRY Pickin'
vanhookc: Falling from the Sky
vanhookc: Y.E.L.L.O.W
vanhookc: Welcome to Florida
vanhookc: Plumeria is as pretty as Sunshine!
vanhookc: Pink Plumeria Blossoms
vanhookc: Such details in Orchids
vanhookc: Desert Rose
vanhookc: A Unique Rose
vanhookc: Bougainvillea
vanhookc: Red Ixora
vanhookc: Variegated Shell Ginger - Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata'
vanhookc: Nerium Oleander (East Indian Oleander) – Shrub
vanhookc: Firecracker Plant, Coral Plant (Russelia equisetiformis)
vanhookc: obtusa, the Singapore graveyard flower
vanhookc: Yellow Chinese Ixora
vanhookc: Magnolia Obovata ( Whitebark Magnolia )
vanhookc: Astonishing!
vanhookc: Bush Clock Vine
vanhookc: Beach Naupaka - Day Two on Anna Maria Island