bev.humphrey: 01.01.20 Happy New Year #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 2.1.20 Ozzy likes Vera too! #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 3.1.20 Sevvie’s getting used to his new ‘brother’ #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 4.1.20 Christmas deconstructed #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 5.1.20 Daughter has 3 foster kittens at the moment #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 6.1.20 Primary school pachyderm, Rotherhithe #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 7.1.20 Maidenhead #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 8.1.20 Back to healthier eating after an indulgent festive season - cauliflower cheese soup with a garnish of bacon medallions #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 9.1.20 Snape’s birthday #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 10.1.20 National Bittersweet Chocolate Day in the US 😊 #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 11.1.20 Sevvie’s rather taken with his & Ozzy’s Christmas present #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 12.1.20 Love is.....a non cooking husband who brings you boiled egg & soldiers in bed when you’re not well ♥️ #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 13.1.20 Margate #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 14.1.20 Primary library decor #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 15.1.20 Passions combined - books & crafting #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 16.1.20 Christchurch, Ore #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 17.1.20 Why indeed?! #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 18.1.20 Dinner with family #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 19.1.20 Veg soup prep #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 20.1.20 ‘Sshhhh mum that annoying kitten won’t find me in here!’ #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 21.1.20 On the way to work, Tower Bridge #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 22.1.20 Homeward bound #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 23.1.20 River reflections #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 24.1.20 Dr Sue Black at the BETT Show #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 25.1.20 Silent disco near Leicester Square #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 26.1.20 Daughter’s foster kitten #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 27.1.20 They’re getting closer to each other! #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 28.1.20 Book face #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 29.1.20 Thornton Heath #pad2020
bev.humphrey: 30.1.20 Daughter in law has had her first scan so now I can give them the clothes I’ve already started buying - I’m going to have a grandchild!! #pad2020