Librarian In The City: Front desk of CMC Vancouver
Librarian In The City: The Stacks at CMC Vancouver
Librarian In The City: Everyone loves a cake
Librarian In The City: They really were singing
Librarian In The City: Caught in mid bite...and not pleased
Librarian In The City: Welcome to Superconference 2010!
Librarian In The City: OLA Opening Plenary
Librarian In The City: Adrienne doesn't care for hockey talk
Librarian In The City: Saul explains he's receiving hockey score text messages
Librarian In The City: Mark Kingwell claps wildly for hockey scores
Librarian In The City: Jane Urquart speaks - everyone listens
Librarian In The City: Introducing the opening plenary
Librarian In The City: The Olympic watching zone
Librarian In The City: Library building awards
Librarian In The City: Library building awards
Librarian In The City: Library building awards
Librarian In The City: Living Library
Librarian In The City: Career Centre
Librarian In The City: Aimee Mullins plenary talk
Librarian In The City: Crazy nice pedicure legs
Librarian In The City: Cinderella legs
Librarian In The City: I did not get this issue of Wired
Librarian In The City: The crowd at my session
Librarian In The City: Librarians love chair races
Librarian In The City: Olympic Wii tournament at the party!
Librarian In The City: Tech Trends!
Librarian In The City: Buckman does this thang