lib_rachel: Sam Can Cook
lib_rachel: Tada!
lib_rachel: Happy birthday Sam
lib_rachel: Ooooooh
lib_rachel: Woo hoo cake
lib_rachel: See food diet
lib_rachel: Just eat the frosting
lib_rachel: We want cake!
lib_rachel: Hmm, maybe this will work
lib_rachel: You must pay the rent!
lib_rachel: Mark Twain
lib_rachel: ta-da!
lib_rachel: Twain
lib_rachel: TA DA -- batcage!
lib_rachel: Building a batcage
lib_rachel: Master Builder
lib_rachel: Mr. Twain, I presume
lib_rachel: Look mommy! Poky dots! Poke poke poke
lib_rachel: look what I can do
lib_rachel: hugabug
lib_rachel: Circus trick
lib_rachel: Baby you can drive my car
lib_rachel: Who says you need to be 16?
lib_rachel: Swing swing swing again
lib_rachel: Swing swing swing again
lib_rachel: Levitation
lib_rachel: Charge!