lib_rachel: Flying to vegas!
lib_rachel: todd on a wall
lib_rachel: Dancing fountains
lib_rachel: Bellagio fountains
lib_rachel: Fountains at Bellagio
lib_rachel: Beatles love crowd
lib_rachel: Beatles love logo yet again
lib_rachel: Beatles love logo
lib_rachel: Don't take a photo of yourself!
lib_rachel: us at mirage
lib_rachel: Mirage atrium again
lib_rachel: Mirage atrium skylight
lib_rachel: mirage atrium
lib_rachel: it's a skirt! it's a dress!
lib_rachel: Bet on eBay
lib_rachel: Signs!
lib_rachel: We are palm trees if you please
lib_rachel: wheel of fortune!
lib_rachel: Beatles, LOVE
lib_rachel: Outside the mirage
lib_rachel: Mirage atrium looking into casino
lib_rachel: Vegas shopping
lib_rachel: I saw the sign
lib_rachel: Meta picture taking
lib_rachel: Buffet desserts
lib_rachel: I got it on eBay
lib_rachel: Billy idol impersonator
lib_rachel: Playing slots